You can find out what apps people download most these days in this area. The Top APKs category is located directly beneath New Updates, and clicking on it will display all of the most popular and downloaded programs.To return to the main screen, press the back button on your Fire TV remote.This category contains the most recent version of the program. Now you’ll see various categories if you select New Updates, the app will display all of the apps that have been updated recently.When you run the app for the first time, the front interface will look somewhat like this.Simply run the app after dragging the APKTime icon to your home screen.Once there, highlight the APKTime icon, press the options button on your fire tv remote, and hit the move button.
The first step is to add the APKTime app to your Firestick’s home screen, which you can do by going to the Apps & Games section or pressing the Apps & Games button on your Fire TV remote.By the way, because this is a pretty simple application, it is extremely easy to use nonetheless, I have explained everything, so keep reading. So, you’ve got APKTime on your Firestick, but you’re not sure how to use it, are you? Don’t worry we are here to help you.